Ryle Eddings
- 國籍:
- 美國籍
- 學歷:
- University of Georgia大學/雅典分校
- 年資:
- 6年
- 證照:
- 專業ESL老師
- 特色:
- 學生來自谷歌Google 和百事PepsiCo/墨西哥,專精商務英文
- 經驗:
- 曾在中國、越南、摩洛哥、土耳其和塞爾維亞線上教授ESL。
個別英文家教比較Ryle 經歷
目前在墨西哥城的一所名為 Bilingually 的學校教授線上商務英語。我發現我的學生最關心的是對溝通的自信,所以我的課程在很大程度上依賴於口語。我的最終目標,是讓我的學生覺得他們可以使用英語和慣用表達方式進行流利溝通。
我曾親自和線上向中國、越南、摩洛哥、土耳其和塞爾維亞的學生教授ESL。 我目前在墨西哥城一所名為「雙語」的學校教授商務英語。 我的學生由來自谷歌墨西哥公司和百事可樂墨西哥公司的經理組成。 雖然我教過從基礎英語到兒童、到青少年的雅思和托福的所有課程,但我對教成人商務英語最有信心。
●I focus strongly on conversation. I am a bit of a “silly” teacher, which makes my students feel relaxed with the language and feel more comfortable taking chances with the language.
●I have taught ESL both in person and online to students in China, Vietnam, Morocco, Turkey, and Serbia. I currently teach Business English at a school called Bilingually, in Mexico City. My students are comprised of Managers from Google Mexico and PepsiCo Mexico. Though I have taught everything from basic English to children, to IELTS and TOEFL to teenagers, I feel most confident teaching Business English to adults.
I find that my students care mostly about feeling confident with communication and so my classes rely heavily on speaking. I cover a wide range of topics and introduce new vocabulary and useful idioms in each class. If I find that my students are lacking in a certain area, such as pronunciation or reading, we will gear the classes to fit those needs. I also like to show short videos so that my students hear a variety of accents and speech patterns. Occasionally, we will cover some basic grammar to reinforce any grammar rules where I see patterns of misunderstanding.
My ultimate goal is for my students to feel that they can communicate comfortably about a wide range of topics using native English language and idiomatic expressions.
English as a Second Language Teacher
Bilingually – Mexico City, Mexico
October 2021 to Present
I am currently teaching English to adults and young professionals who live and work in Mexico City. As
most of them are managers at Google Mexico, we have a strong focus on business, but also discuss a
wide range of topics to strengthen their conversational abilities.
Freelance Writer/Editor
I am currently a part-time, freelance Content Writer and Editor for the travel website, Pedacitosblog.com.
On a weekly basis, I am in charge of content management and editing. This includes quality control, and
formatting using the Wix platform. I am also a weekly contributor to the website with over 100 articles
published, therein.
個別英文家教比較Ryle 介紹
• Copywriting
• Content Creation
• Writing Skills
• Proofreading
• Digital Marketing
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• Project management
• Fact checking
• Management
• Google Docs
• Keyword research
• AP style
• Google Suite
• Social media management
• Content marketing
• Customer service
• Classroom experience
• Copy editing
• Creative writing
ESL Certification
Teaching Certification
watch movies, travel, and read books about world history

Kelly Karon
國籍:美國籍 學歷:紐奧良大學 / 文學士 年資:7年 經驗:專業ESL英文老師,熟悉商業運作模式。特色:個性積極進取,擅於為學生提供主動的激勵學習方式!居住地:Nuevo Arenal, Costa Rica 地區教學:台灣/大新竹地區
體驗課 NT$100 (20分鐘)
外籍老師在這裡等你,準備好開啟不一樣的學習旅程了嗎? 線上或線下,隨時隨地與外籍老師互動,無論初學者還是高階學習者,我們都能提供適合你的課程!