Kennedy Haley
- 國籍:
- 美國籍
- 學歷:
- Columbus State學院
- 年資:
- 2年
- 特色:
- 熱愛戶外攝影</di
- 經驗:
- Primrose School - Dublin, OH老師
一對一家教老師Kennedy Haley 經歷
是一個非常努力的人,老師一直在尋求學習新事物,分享想法並帶來正能量,很隨和又靈活。喜歡與人一起工作。老師上課很有耐心,上課會放慢速度,且會確認同學都有聽懂,也會告知正確的文法用詞 ,推薦給想要學好英文的人。
I am always open to learn something new, share ideas and bring positive energy. I am easy going and flexible. I value clear communication in the workplace. I am a very hard worker, graduated with honors from my high school, am ready to learn and help in the best way that I can. I love working with people and kids. I have shot senior photos and do photo shoots for my friends and family with my cannon rebel while going to school.
Interstate Photography – Columbus, OH
August 2021 to Present
I set up my equipment for the day to take school portraits, sports portraits and classroom and sports
candids. I communicate with the school about a schedule for the day and direct students and staff on
posing then upload pictures to our studio at the end of the day.
一對一家教老師Kennedy Haley 介紹
• Teaching
• Photography
• Early childhood education
• Toddler Care
• Childcare
• Organizational Skills
• Infant Care
• Curriculum Development
•每個學生都是獨一無二的,我們的 優秀家教老師 針對你的學習風格 量身訂製專屬教學計畫!
•1 對 1 專業指導,讓你在輕鬆的氛圍中掌握知識,快速進步!