Julie Tang
- 國籍:
- 美國籍
- 學歷:
- Columbia International University,
- 年資:
- 20年
- 證照:
- TEFL 證照

一對一英文老師Julie Tang 經歷
我是唐老師。 我喜歡教授自然、輕鬆的美式英語,並讓您覺得有趣。 所以,我教諸如“What do you want to study?”之類的東西。 也就是說,“你想學什麼?” 這不僅有助於您的口語,也有助於您的聽力!
●B.S. in Biblical Education, cross-cultural communi-cation, Columbia International University, SC
●Hi! I’m Mrs. Tang. I like to teach natural, relaxed American English and make it fun for you. So, I teach things like “Whaddaya wanna study?” That means, “What do you want to study?” That helps not only your speaking, but your listening skills!
I’ve lived in Taiwan for 16 years, so yes, I speak Chinese, if that can help you. I like my students to call me “Mrs. Tang.” Two reasons: that’s my name (because I’m married to Mr. Tang!), and students in America, where I’m from, never call their teacher “Teacher.” They would naturally say “Mrs. Tang.”
So, as a “Taiwan shee-fu” (daughter-in-law), I can be your bridge from Taiwanese culture to American culture! Our two kids grew up in Taiwan and are bilingual, now living in the US.
I have lots of experience! I’ve been teaching ESL for 20 years, and was the IELTS Administrator for Charlotte, North Carolina for two years. I’ve taught TOEFL, aviation English, business English, writing, pronunciation, and all levels of ESL, to students and business people in America, Taipei, Taichung, even cooking in English (home economics) to high schoolers at Pu Tai High School in Puli!
●Taught ESL full-time 10-1/2 years at ELS Language Centers, St. Petersburg, Florida to 5,000+ college-age international students. Reading, writing, speaking, listening, Aviation English, English for Executives, TOEFL.
●I’m an artist, too, so I love drawing on the board to help you! I use fun Jazz Chants (snapping your fingers to helpful English rhythms), and cartooned examples to help you practice new grammar with a partner. I’m known for being very creative, so art projects of many kinds are on my weekly schedule. We could even work on watercolor painting or sewing together, if that is your interest. My art website is http://www.bezalelhouseportraits.com.
Whaddaya wanna study? Let me know, and we’ll make sure it’s FUN!
一對一英文老師Julie Tang 自我介紹
Did proofing, grammar editing & voice acting for ESL textbooks & magazine at All-People Publishing, Taichung.
Designing & sewing dresses/quilts, painting watercolors, drawing pen & ink house portraits.

Thomas Patrick Aspill
國籍:英國 年資:8年 學歷:安格利亞魯斯金大學 / TESOL 碩士 經驗:專業英文老師,精通多種教學方法,對教育充滿熱情。特色:激發學生對學習的熱情,使他們對學習充滿動力。居住地 英國