Danielle Alexandria Gomez Carrillo
- 國籍:
- 美國籍
- 學歷:
- BYU IDAHO Rexburg學院
- 年資:
- 12年
- 經驗:
- Mexico City, Mexico / ESL英文老師
- 特色:
- 年輕有活力
- 居住地:
- Mexico City, Mexico
我叫丹妮爾,今年 20 歲。 我來自美國猶他州,我有超過八年的個別一對一英語教學經驗,專教外國學生英語,我非常了解如何根據學生的需要正確準備課程。我是一個快速學習者,我是一個團隊合作者,我做事情非常有耐心和高效率。老師擁有長期的教學經驗,可以幫助學生充分發揮潛力。
個別一對一英文老師 Danielle 經歷
My name is Danielle and I am 20 years old. I am originally from Utah USA but I have lived abroad and that is where I
learned Spanish as well. I have experience for more than eight years and teaching English to foreign students. I have
done it remotely and physically. I am very knowledgeable on how to properly prepare lessons for the needs of my students.
I am a fast learner, I am a team player, I am very patient and efficient in what I do. I am also not afraid to correct if
necessary, but just in order to bring the best in my students and their learning experience. I have not only given classes
as a solo teacher, but I have also done it along side other very qualified teachers.
個別一對一英文老師 Danielle 工作履歷
November 2020 – June 2022 /Pay Ready – Costa Mesa, USA/ Customer Support Representative
• Work with customers to remedy their
financial hardship by leveraging default
resources from the onset of the need for
• Contact customers and clients to answer
inquiries, review options, set
expectations, provide solutions and
provide status updates to through the
entire process as the customers
dedicated, single point of contact mostly
from emails.
個別一對一英文老師 Danielle 自我介紹
• Customer service professional
• Digital marketing
• Performance Optimization
• Technical Analysis
• Problem Solving
• Flexible and Adaptable
Drawing, playing video games, practicing makeup