Amanda Hsiao
- 國籍:
- 美國籍
- 學歷:
- 加州/里德利學院/語言學文學士
- 年資:
- 10年
- 證照:
- 2007 TESOL 證書
- 特色:
- 專精生活會話、商英、托福、SAT 和雅思考試/本中心資深英文老師
- 經驗:
- 2008-2014年曾在台灣大衛美語台北校任教
- 居住地:
- Holly Springs, Mississippi , USA
美國籍英文老師Amanda 經歷
•我們的家教老師來自 頂尖學府,熟知考試關鍵
•採用 最有效的學習策略,讓你用最短時間達到最大提升
→立刻預約免費試教,感受 1 對 1 指導的力量!
Hi! My name is Amanda Hsiao. I have been teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language for over 10 years. I have worked with all ages and levels in a variety of subjects, including speaking, listening, reading, pronunciation, writing, grammar and test preparation. I’ve taught both in the US and overseas in Taiwan and have loved those different teaching experiences. My favorite part of teaching is when I’m able to help students enjoy learning a language they may have struggled with before. And I try to be very flexible in my teaching approach and if one way isn’t working, I work together with students to find a way that does work!
Avionics Technician
Avionics Specialist, Inc – Memphis, TN
March 2022 to Present
I work in the Metrology Department calibrating in-house equipment used to calibrate and repair aircraft
Avionics Technician
TechnicAir – Fresno, CA
July 2021 to January 2022
Responsible for removal, installation, and troubleshooting of autopilot systems and aircraft instruments.
Also conducted pitot/static testing as well as ADS-B output testing for certification of aircraft