Miles P Griffith
- 國籍:
- 美國籍
- 學歷:
- University of California At Santa Barbara大學
- 年資:
- 5年
- 證照:
- 2017 年 TESOL 證書
- 特色:
- 專業會計和國際金融背景
- 經驗:
- 熟悉商業貿易領域
- 居住地:
- Culver City, USA

美籍一對一老師Miles P Griffith經歷
Miles是教學經驗豐富更是有TESOL執照的老師,老師很有耐心解釋不懂的單字,不會讓學生說英文的時候很有壓力,在這種放鬆的環境下練習英文,會覺得非常有幫助。老師會即時矯正發音,整個課堂過程令人覺得很愉快! →什麼是TESOL英文老師?
Honolulu, HI | PhD Economics, 06/2022 GPA: 3.37 *Trident International University – Cypress, CA | MBA *Management Accounting, 08/2017 Demonstratedachieverwithexceptionalknowledgeofinternationalmarkets,businesspractices,andtraderegulationsin office management and accounting executive management. Strong accounting and finance background combined with fluency in several languages. Skilled at learning new concepts quickly, working well under pressure, and communicating ideas clearlyandeffectively. Extensive computer training,includingknowledge ofmultiplenetworking environmentsandbusinesssoftwarepackages.Enthusiasticandexperiencedincommunicativedisciplines.Hardworking SubstituteTeacherwithskillstostepintoanyclassroomenvironmentandsupportstudentneedswithexcellentdiscussion management, lecturing and mentoring abilities. Knowledgeable about special intervention plans, recordkeeping requirementsandstrategies formaintainingclassroomdiscipline.Gradespapersandhomeworkandrecordsgrades for lead teacher.
美籍一對一老師Miles P Griffith介紹
Analytical skills
Individualized care
Smartboard technology
Technology savvy
Behavior modeling
Time management
Activity planning
Critical thinking