Emily Orfanides
- 國籍:
- 美國籍
- 學歷:
- 瓦倫西亞學院
- 年資:
- 4年
- 經驗:
- 專職線上英語老師,熟悉閱讀、寫作、聽力和口語測驗。
苗栗英文家教老師Emily 經歷
教學方法多樣: Emily老師使用多種不同的教學方法,以適應不同學生的學習風格,啟發學生動力的能力,幫助他們克服挑戰,實現自己的學習目標。
English Teacher
-Taught English online to adults.
-Assisted students in reading, grammar, communication, sentence structure, daily conversation skills, English-speaking country cultures, literature excerpts, and vocabulary expansion.
-Provided students with feedback after every lesson to highlight their strengths and weaknesses in a way that would allow them to identify details for improvement in their advancement.
English Teacher
July 2018-December 2021
– Assisted students in learning the English language, and in improving their communication, grammar, punctuation, phonics, speech, proper sentence structures, and reading and writing skills.
– Measured where students were individually in their learning processes and helped them through their individual learning style while guiding them from their strong-suit to bloom into where improvement was needed.
苗栗英文家教老師Emily 介紹
國籍:美國籍 學歷:布留索夫國立大學 / 英語文學學士 年資:9年證書:具備專業證照ESL老師。經驗:專精商務應用英文 / 翻譯 / 線上學習。特色:老師在自己的學科領域非常專精,能夠深入教授相關知識。居住地:Yerevan, Armenia
體驗課 NT$100 (20分鐘)
國籍:俄羅斯 年資:5年 學歷:紐約州莎拉勞倫斯學院 經驗:已積累了5年的經驗,可以應對各種不同的學習挑戰。特色:具有多樣化的教學風格,以適應不同學生的學習需求。居住地 New York
體驗課 NT$100 (20分鐘)