6 Superstition
- 1 Vocabulary
1. superstition 迷信
2. superstitious 迷信的
3. temple 廟、寺廟
4. temple master 廟主、寺廟的領袖
5. palm-reading 手相占卜
6. fortuneteller 占卜師、算命師
7. lucky charm 幸運符、吉祥物
8. bless 祝福
9. apparently 顯然地、據說
10. vague 含糊的、不明確的
11. seriously 認真地、嚴肅地
12. opportunity 機會
13. red envelope 紅包
14. Friday the 13th 13號星期五(通常與不幸有關)
15. voodoo doll 巫毒娃娃
16. supernatural 超自然的
17. paranormal 超常現象的
18. crow 烏鴉
19. weird 奇怪的、怪異的
20. ritual 儀式、典禮

- 2 Conversation
A: Are you superstitious?
B: I don’t think I am.
A: Then why are you wearing that lucky charm?
B: Oh, that. It’s from my mom. She gave it to me on my birthday.
A: And that string bracelet? What’s with that?
B: My mom gave me that, too. Apparently, it was blessed by some temple master on some mountain somewhere.
A: Gee! Can you be more vague?
B: Sorry, man! My mom is really superstitious. She goes to temples and fortunetellers almost every weekend.
A: My mom is like that, too! Last week, she took me to some temple on some mountain somewhere so I could get my palm read by some temple master. My mom is really worried about my love life, and the temple master said I’d meet my Mr. Right this year.
B: Jeez! Who is being vague now?
A: Sorry about that! But, I mean, seriously, I don’t need someone to tell me that I should get married at a certain time or that I’ll lose my opportunity to ever get married!
B: If I were you, I’d tell your mom to mind her own business.
A: Are you out of your mind?