5 Moods
- 1 Vocabulary
1. rude 無禮的、粗魯的
2. queue 排隊、隊伍
3. irritate 激怒、使惱火
4. mad 生氣的、瘋狂的
5. passenger 乘客
6. knock someone/something over 撞倒某人/某物
7. decency 禮儀、得體
8. conform 遵守、符合
9. annoyed 惱怒的、感到煩躁的
10. imagine 想像
11. literally 確實、真正地、字面上地
12. commentate 評論、解說
13. scene 場景、場面
14. ridiculous 荒謬的、可笑的
15. arrest 逮捕
16. ban 禁止
17. heart attack 心臟病發作
18. grab 抓住、奪取
19. pet peeve 讓人抓狂的小事
20. hate 討厭、憎恨
21. upset 心煩的、不高興的
22. uptight 緊張的、焦慮的
23. moody 情緒化的、喜怒無常的

- 2 Conversation
A: Hey, what’s the matter? You don’t look too happy.
B: People in this city are really rude! I was queuing to get on the MRT and someone just cut in line as soon as the MRT arrived. It irritates me when that happens.
A: Yeah, I know what you mean. It also makes me so mad when people don’t wait for the passengers to get off the bus before getting on.
B: Yesterday, I almost knocked an old woman over when she fought her way onto the bus while I was trying to get off. What is wrong with people these days?
A: They just don’t have the decency to conform to very basic social rules!
B: I need to calm down. I can feel my blood pressure getting higher from all this angry talk.
A: You’re right. But that doesn’t stop me from feeling annoyed when people answer their cell phones during movies. Can you imagine that? People actually talking on their cell phones during a movie!
B: Oh, don’t remind me! I went to a movie last night and this couple that sat next to me kept on discussing the movie while we were watching it; they were literally commentating on every scene!
A: That’s ridiculous! People should be arrested for doing that! Talking in the theaters should be banned!
B: Okay, take it easy now. I don’t want you to have a heart attack.
A: I’m okay. Let me sit down for a while. I haven’t been this angry since last week.
B: I hated last week too. Let’s grab some lunch and talk about it.