高級英文會話班-B 課程介紹
Class | Topic | Functions | Writing/Reading |
12 | Self-improvement Unusual services; recommendations; self-improvement | Talking about things you need to have done; asking for and giving advice or suggestions | Writing a letter of advice “How to improve Your Memory” Reading about techniques to improve your memory |
13 | The past and the future Historic events and people; biography; the future | Talking about historical events; giving opinions about the future | Writing a biography “The Global Village” Reading about political and technological changes |
14 | Life’s little lessons Milestones and turning points; ; behavior; regrets | Describing yourself in the past; describing regrets about the past; describing hypothetical situations | Writing about turning points “If You Could Do It All Again” Reading about people’s choices |
15 | The right stuff Success; business; advertising | Describing the purpose of something; describing qualities for success; describing features; giving reasons; talking about ads | Writing about how to successfully sell something “The Wrong Stuff” Reading about advertising failures |
16 | Review classes 11~14 | ||
17 | That’s a possibility Common mysteries and unexplained events; points of view; predicaments | Offering explanations; drawing conclusions; describing hypothetical events | Writing about an awkward situation “The Blue Lights of Silver Cliff” Reading a ghost story |
18 | Behind the scenes How a movie is made; processes; the media and entertainment industries | Describing hoe something is done, used, or made; describing careers in the media and entertainment industries | Writing about how something is done “Coming Soon to a Theater Near You” Reading about special effects in the movies |
19 | There should be a law! Opinions; problems; social and controversial issues | Making a recommendation; giving and acknowledging opinions; asking for and giving reasons; agreeing and disagreeing | Writing an opinion paper “Habitat for Humanity” Reading about a socially responsible organization |
20 | Challenges and accomplishments Challenges; accomplishments; assessing your life | Describing challenges, frustrations, and rewards; talking about the past and the future | Writing about accomplishments and goals “Adam Ezra Cohen: Westinghouse Winner” Reading about a young prize-winning scientist |
21 | Review Classes 17~20 | ||
22 | Final exam |
高級英文會話班-B 學習目標
國籍:美國籍 / 學歷:韋斯特菲爾德 州立大學 / 年資:20年 / 證照:波士頓語言 研究所 TEFL證書 / 特色:是一個很平易近人的老師,美式口音非常清晰,學習起來不會太有壓力,也會即時矯正發音,整個學習過程令人覺得很輕鬆。經驗 / 曾經在許多國家任教過,教學經驗非常豐富:土耳其/俄羅斯/越南/中國/韓國 / 居住地:波士頓, USA
體驗課 NT$100 (20分鐘)
國籍:美國籍 / 學歷:馬里蘭州/ 巴爾的摩大學/創意寫作碩士 / 年資:4年 / 經驗:專業美國本地英文老師 / 特色:美式口音非常清晰,老師會根據學生的個人風格和需求定制課程,喜歡教授閱讀、寫作、口語、聽力、理解、語音、和詞彙等課程。居住地:馬里蘭州, USA /
體驗課 NT$100 (20分鐘)
國籍:美國籍 / 學歷:首爾國立大學 / 年資:4年證書:TEFL 教學認證 / 經驗:略懂中文,個性積極進取!特色:溝通能力強,教學認真負責,善於創造和諧關係!居住地:Mays Landing, New Jersey/ Kissimmee, Florida